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Installation and maintenance for machines, power generators and manufacturing lines:

    By experts and professionals and using only precise time tables, YP provides the best care for your power generators and production machines. We trust our engineers and you can trust us.
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Electronic and Cyber Maintenance (24/7 service) Network cabling:

   Server rooms installation.

Analyzing power loads and lose:

   YP analyzes the power loads with the most recent equipment and highly qualified engineers in order to determine the accurate range of power and limiting the loose of electrical current.

Production lines studies:

    Today’s developments demand perfect solutions for the fields of light, medium and heavy industries and thus YP gives the appropriate solutions meeting all needs using only scientific methods and leading to increase volume and decrease time.

Production Plans Studies:

   By studying all available information and searching in the local and international field for the best alternatives, YP give sophisticated results indicating the efficiency and effectiveness and the underlying project which helps primarily in making the final decisiton of industrial and productive investment.

Air Conditioning Networks Studies:

   Depending on the workplace, alternatives and surrounding environment, YP gives the best studies of solutions to just keep it in the best temperature.

Electrical and Power Systems Studies:

   Before, during and after the establishment of the project, YP provides detailed studies of the top alternatives subjected to safety, power consumption and efficiency for all types of firms.

Training Courses:

   For your staff safety and efficiency, YP offers a unique training courses including the following:
  • Safety courses.
  • Power Control.
  • PLC programming.
  • Power Systems Installation.
  • Machines Inspection.
  • Machines and Generators Maintenance.
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Design, install and maintenance PLC panels:

   PLC or ( Programmable Located Control) is one of the most recent technologies of automation in switching and controlling power suplies and outlets which helps reducing faults and errors, gives immediate alarms and increases safety.
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Design, install and maintenance Power Contribution panels:

   Beginning with major circuit breakers a Beginning with major circuit breakers and ending to wall switches and sockets, YP provides the appropriate care for all kinds of power controlling tools and equipment that leads to give you a safe and accurate work environment.
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Design, install and maintenance UPS systems:

   UPS or (Uninterrupted Power Supply) includes many alternatives to always keep you on the stream with no power cuts and failures. YP can provide you with always-on power in order to keep your work always on for all firms of your business.
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Installing Power Generators:

   Applying a preceded study, YP can give you the ultimate and appropriate amount of power your business demands by the alternative power supply of power generators all to your exact needs.
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Designing and installing Lightning Rod and Earthling Systems:

    Safety is always first and thus YP gives its highest it care to the safety of its clients. Any firm can be hit by a lightning which may lead to sit this firm on fire and thus we can prevent this from happening using the most powerful tools and under international standards to keep you always in a safe place.
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Install and maintenance Power Establishers and Transformers:

   To keep your equipment safe and working properly you need a stable power environment and YP can give the highest benefit of that by installing the best solutions of power establishers and transformers meeting your exact needs.

Other Electrical Services:

   Electrical Maintenance (24/7 service):
  • Security & Access Control Systems.
  • Auto Doors, Gates & Parking Systems.
  • Electrical Installation.